
Here we are now.

If you are reading this, it is most likely that you have visited the Aalto lounge and have seen my recent paintings.
Thanks for taking the time.
What is this site?
well... it's a blog, sorta.
Actually it's a really easy way for me to get hold of you.
That's the whole point of all of this.

toholdyou. is an art based design collective.
It is collective in that I am a designer that tends to work in many mediums, and work with many talented folk.
Sometimes I am making T-shirts, sometimes I am making soundtracks. Every time I am trying to get closer to you.
that's it.
We all have our day jobs. Mine's in the graphic design field.
In everything I do, I am trying to change the way you see things.
This is my attempt to do it for good.

I would really like to meet you, if I haven't already. It's always good to share ideas.
If you have any ideas, you should feel free to let them be known here.
Or e-mail me (sean@toholdyou.com).
This site will ultimately become much more than a blog. It will be a place to share my ideas and use you as a sounding board. We can work together or separately. Our world will get smaller and smaller.

I can't wait.


Where I Lived and What I Lived For said...

God, I fucking love you.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.